My publications

Between 2011 and 2021 I stopped writing my own papers, but helped others write their's as an editor (; in that time I have edited over 530 manuscripts and Masters and PhD theses. However, in 2019 science called me back, and I recommenced my own research and published several papers that had sat as drafts on my computer for over 20 years; I have one more in press; and as of now (May 2023) I have a biography on Guy Coburn Robson, and several additional papers that describe deep-sea genera and species of octopus (finned and non-finned), and others on whale diet, that near submission. It feels good to be back into research, but I do so as a hobbyist because there aren't many jobs for people like me in this rapidly changing world. The following is a list of what I have written:


O’Shea S, Lu CC, Clarke MR, Kubodera T (in press). Family Architeuthidae. In (nominal title) “Early-life stages of cephalopod systematics and identification.”

O’Shea S, Jackson GD 2010. Phylum Mollusca, Class Cephalopoda. Pp 541-559, 565, 566. In Cook S de C (Ed) New Zealand Coastal Marine Invertebrates, Volume 1. Canterbury University Press, Christchurch

New Zealand Marine Sciences Society 2009. (Eds O’Shea S, Costello MJ, O’Connel K). Programme and abstracts for annual conference in Auckland 2-4 September 2009: 126 pp. ISBN 978-1-877314-77-3

O’Shea S, Smith F 2008. Octopus and squid. Pp 86-93, in “Treasures of the sea: Nga taonga a Tangaroa.” A summary of biodiversity in the New Zealand ecoregion. Ed MacDiarmid A, WWF, New Zealand


Refereed publications

O’Shea S, Lu, CC, Clarke MR, Kubodera T 2022. Description of paralarval giant squid Architeuthis dux (Cephalopoda: Architeuthidae), with comments on ontogenetic shifts in morphology and habitat. Marine Biology 52: 47.

Verhoeff TJ, O’Shea S 2022. New records and two new species of Grimpoteuthis (Octopoda: Cirrata: Grimpoteuthididae) from southern Australia and New Zealand. Molluscan Research 42: 4–30.

Dewas SEA, O’Shea S 2011. The influence of Tucetona laticostata (Bivalvia: Glycymeridae) shells and rhodolith patches on benthic-invertebrate assemblages in Hauraki Gulf, New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research. DOI: 10.1080/00288330.2011.591810

Wong KLC, O’Shea S 2011. The effects of a mussel farm on benthic macrofaunal communities in Hauraki Gulf, New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research, 45(2): 187-212.

Wong KLC, O’Shea S 2010. Sediment macrobenthos off eastern Waiheke Island, Hauraki Gulf, New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research, 44(3): 149-165.

Najeera-Hillman E, Alfaro AC, O’Shea S, Breen BB, Garret N, King P 2009. Habitat-use model for the New Zealand endemic frog Leiopelma hochstetteri. Endangered Species Research 9: 23-31.

Najeera-Hillman E, Alfaro AC, Breen BB, O’Shea S 2009. Characterisation (δ13C and δ15N isotopes) of the food webs in a New Zealand stream in the Waitakere Ranges, with emphasis on the trophic level of the endemic frog Leiopelma hochstetteri. New Zealand Journal of Zoology 36: 165-176.

Beatson EL, O’Shea S 2009. Stomach contents of long-finned pilot whales, Globicephala melas, mass-stranded on Farewell Spit, Golden Bay in 2005 and 2008. New Zealand Journal of Zoology 36: 47-58.

Beatson EL, O’Shea S, Stone C, Shortland T 2007. Notes on New Zealand mammals 6. Second report on the stomach contents of long-finned pilot whales, Globicephala melas. New Zealand Journal of Zoology 34: 359-362.

O’Shea S, Jackson G, Bolstad KS 2007. The nomenclatural status, ontogeny and morphology of Pholidoteuthis massyae (Pfeffer, 1912) new comb (Cephalopoda: Pholidoteuthidae). Reviews in Fish Biology & Fisheries 17: 425-435.

Beatson EL, O’Shea S, Ogle M 2007. The diet of the long-finned pilot whale, Globicephala melas, stranded in New Zealand: implications for conservation. New Zealand Journal of Zoology 34: 51-56.

Cryer M, Hartill B, O’Shea S 2005. Deepwater trawl fisheries modify benthic community structure in similar ways to fisheries in coastal systems. American Fisheries Society Symposium 41: 695-696.

Adkins JF, Henderson GM, Wang SL, O’Shea S, Mokadem F 2004. Growth rates of the deep-sea Scleractinia Desmophyllum cristigalli and Enalopsammia rostrata. Earth & Planetary science Letters 227: 481-490.

O’Shea S, Bolstad KS, Ritchie PA 2004. First records of egg masses of Nototodarus gouldi McCoy, 1888 (Cephalopoda: Ommastrephidae), with comments on egg-mass susceptibility to damage by fisheries trawl. New Zealand Journal of Zoology 31: 161-166.

O’Shea S 2004. The giant octopus Haliphron atlanticus (Mollusca: Octopoda) in New Zealand waters. New Zealand Journal of Zoology 31: 7-13.

Bolstad KS, O’Shea S 2004. Gut contents of the giant squid Architeuthis dux (Cephalopoda: Oegopsida) from New Zealand waters. New Zealand Journal of Zoology 31: 15-21.

Jackson GD, O’Shea S 2003. Unique hooks in the male scaled squid Lepidoteuthis grimaldii. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom 83: 1099-1100.

O’Shea S, Lu CC 2002. A new species of Luteuthis from the South China Sea. Zoological Studies 41(2): 119-126.

Cryer M, Hartill B, O’Shea S 2002. Modification of marine benthos by trawling: towards a generalization for the deep ocean? Ecological Applications 12(6): 1824-1839.

O’Shea S 1999. The marine fauna of New Zealand: Octopoda (Mollusca: Cephalopoda). NIWA Biodiversity Memoir 112: 280 pp.

O’Shea S 1997. A new technique for assessing fixation-induced morphological variation in octopus (Mollusca: Cephalopoda). New Zealand Journal of Zoology 24: 163-166.

O’Shea S 1997. Status of three Octopoda recorded from New Zealand, based on beaks recovered from long-distance foraging marine predators. New Zealand Journal of Zoology 24(3): 265-266.

O’Shea S, Kubodera K 1996. Eggs and larvae of Graneledone sp. (Mollusca: Octopoda) from New Zealand. Bulletin of the National Science Museum, Tokyo, ser. A. Zoology 22: 153-164.


Fisheries reports (MFish) (refereed)

Rowden AA, Clark MR, O’Shea S 2004. Benthic biodiversity of seamounts on the Northland Plateau. Marine Biodiversity Biosecurity Report 5: 21 pp.

Rowden AA, Clark MR, O’Shea S, McKnight D 2003. Benthic biodiversity of seamounts on the sothern Kermadec volcanic arc. Marine Biodiversity Biosecurity Report 3: 23 pp.

Rowden AA, O’Shea S, Clark MR 2002. Benthic biodiversity of seamounts on the northwest Chatham Rise. Marine Biodiversity Biosecurity Report 2: 21 pp.

Cryer M, O’Shea S, Gordon D, Kelly M, Drury J, Morrison M, Hill A, Saunders H, Shankar U, Wilkinson M, Foster G 2000. Distribution and structure of benthic invertebrate communities between North Cape and Cape Reinga. Final Research Report for MFish Research Project ENV9805, Objectives 1-4: 153 pp.

Clark MR, O’Shea S, Wood B, Wright I 2000. Seamount management: a report on seamounts potentially suitable for consideration under the MFish seamount management strategy. NIWA Report WLG00/33 (for Ministry of Fisheries): 79 pp.

Clark MR, O’Shea S, Tracey D, Glasby B 1999. New Zealand Region “Seamounts:” aspects of their biology, ecology and fisheries. NIWA Report WLG99/32 (for Department of Conservation): 107 pp.

Cryer M, Coburn R, Hartill B, O’Shea S, Kendrick T, Doonan I 1999. Scampi Stock Assessment for 1998 and an analysis of the fish and invertebrate bycatch of scampi trawlers. New Zealand Fisheries Assessment research Document 99(4): 75 pp.


Popular articles (non-refereed)

Jackson GD, O’Shea S 2003. Unique saber-like hooks of a large deep-sea squid. MBA News, 29 April 2003.

Tracey D, Neil H, Gordon D, O’Shea S 2003. Chronicles of the deep: aging deep-sea corals in New Zealand. NIWA, Water & Atmosphere 11(2): 22-24.

Clark MR, O’Shea S 2001. Hydrothermal vent and seamount fauna from the southern Kermadec Ridge, New Zealand. InterRidge News 10(2): 14-17.

O’Shea S, Manire C 2001. Saving sperm whales: the search for squid is on. Seafood New Zealand 9(9): 45-48.

O’Shea S, Clark M, Raethke N 2000. Bathysquilla microps: a spectacular new deep-sea crustacean from New Zealand. Seafood New Zealand 8(9): 36.

Clark M, Wright I, Wood B, O’Shea S, McKnight D 1999. New research on seamounts. Seafood New Zealand 7(1): 31-34.

O’Shea S, McKnight D, Clark M 1999. Bycatch: the common, unique and bizarre. Seafood New Zealand 7(5): 45-51.

O’Shea S 1999. Giant Squid. Seafood New Zealand 7(11): 34-35.

O’Shea S 1998. The deep-sea finned Octopoda of New Zealand. Seafood New Zealand 6(9): 26-28.

O’Shea S 1998. The deep-sea non-finned Octopoda of New Zealand. Seafood New Zealand 6(11): 35-38.

O’Shea S 1997. Giant squid in New Zealand waters. Seafood New Zealand 5(10): 32-34.